Publications from T h e C e n t e r ***

Illustration by Marsha Sinetar
Sinetar & Associates, Inc.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide, including electronic.
Can You Simply Trust?
Posture of Heart Series, 1. (Preview)
Posture of Heart, II (The Mary Pattern)
Posture of Heart, III (Practice: Inclining the Ear)
Posture of Heart, IV (Contemplative Study)
Our Living Framework (I, II)
*** Center publications are limited R & D works, for friends and “members” of T h e C e n t e r , which, until distributed more broadly, are only available from T h e C e n t e r while supplies last. Currently, no Monographs are available and are never sold by other sources.
Posture of Heart, Series II (The Mary Pattern)
“Imagine a busy man, whose business hounds him day and night. Only when it is time for Afternoon Prayer does he remember his Maker. And then, from the bottom of his heart, he heaves s sign of regret that he has spent his day on vain matters, and runs to a silent corner and prays. God holds him dear, very dear, and his prayer pierces the firmament.”
–From the first pages, one of Martin Buber’s Hasidic tales
Posture of Heart, Series III (Practice: Inclining the Ear)
To be sure, our practice is no on-again, off-again thing… no mere technique, for we are listening at the heart ~ listening with the heart ~ to the indwelling Spirit of Truth that guides, teaches, heals, restores…
… our practice is a steady, growing awareness, a waiting, eventually a walking out or performing of a more subtle awakened state than is usual. And despite what may seem as the harshest of trials, whatever we receive of God is of the sweetest, most consoling order. For He says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hear my voice and open the door, I will come in.” (Rev. 3:20)
So our practice is about hearing that Voice.
Posture of Heart IV (Contemplative Study)
“Not everyone reads the Bible. Those who do read it (and other holy texts) and who do so as a practice, seem called —disposed— to study with relish, not all the time but as the Spirit moves them. Their attraction to God’s word seems a universal discernment, or receptivity, to the sublime light shining in the soul.
…Because the Spirit alone opens to us the scriptures (Luke 24:32), we can alter the old contemplative direction; go sit in your room, read, study your Bible, and meditate as the Spirit moves you. And the light and warmth of the Spirit will teach you everything you need to know.”